Bret Easton Ellis Book Signing
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Here I am with Bret Easton Ellis at his book signing last week in San Francisco. Brett read the 1st chaper from Lunar Park and did a Q&A session afterwards. There were some good questions and Bret said that he was happy with all the movie adaptions of his books, Less Than Zero, American Psycho and Rules Of Attraction. He said there were things that he would have liked changed or added in the movies but wasn't disappointed like some authors are when it comes to movies. He talked about why it takes so long to write a book, how he takes a couple years writing an outline which can be longer than the book itself and from the outline, write the story. He spends a lot of time thinking about what he wants to say, and isn't one of those authors who feel compelled to put something out every year. Between the royalities off the movies and the books, I think Bret can take a few years to come up with something. Bret's new book Lunar Park is part autobiographical the rest fiction. There are parts of the beginning which is all about his life, the sex, the drugs, the alcohol and downward spiral that I wonder if its 100% correct or a bit inflated to give a good story. Anyways, the book is very good and if you are a fan, definitely go out and get this book. I am a few chapters in and love it.
On a different note, I missed my 1 year anniversary on my blog, I was traveling on Friday all day so I didn't have time to post. For those of you who have been reading since day one, thank you. For those who just joined me thank you and please stick around, before you know it, I will be on my 2nd year. And all of you who read my blog, consider starting your own, its free and a lot of fun, plus I could use some more links on mine to other blogs. Go to and sign up, it takes about 15 minutes to get one going, the longest part is deciding what skin you want to use. If you need any assistance feel free to contact me and I will give you a hand.
Posted by mardenhill 9/11/2005 02:33:00 PM
- Anonymous said...
1:36 PMPRETTY COOL RANDY- Anonymous said...
3:10 AMCool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »