One More Reason Napster Sucks
Monday, July 11, 2005
Students who are forced to pay for the Napster service at college are not even buying music from it, they are turning to iTunes and Musicmatch. Napster 2.0 launched too late and their rental service is going nowhere. No one wants to rent music and pay every month or face losing it. Plus it only works on the inferior mp3 players out there, no ipod here. iTunes on the other hand is going like gangbusters, they just announced their latest campaign for the 500 millionth song downloaded, 10 free ipods, 10,000 dowloads and a trip to see Coldplay in Europe. Right now the current tally 491,009,225. iTunes did do the free song with Pepsi and is currently doing the Slurpee promotion but 500 million is a lot of tracks expecially when the record labels laughed at the idea of digital downloads. I am interested to see what the prize for the 1 billionth will be, that will be something to see.
Posted by mardenhill 7/11/2005 05:03:00 PM