Republican "Morality"
Saturday, February 05, 2005
More sleazeball tactics from this morally/ethically/fiscally bankrupt group of fucking pigs we call our government. What will it take to put these guys away, its going on 5 years now and Ken Lay has yet to see jail time and the asshole from Tyco got off because some skank on the jury was paid off. Bernie Ebbers from WorldCom is currently on trial, who wants to bet on the out come? It just goes to show that Bush and co are protecting these corporate scumbags and we will not see any convictions until Bush is out of office. Will DeLay be brought to trial, I doubt it, and he will stay in office with all his ethics violations conducting business as usual. Maybe one morning I will wake up and see in the headlines that "The Hammer" has been indicted and will be stripped of his whip status, hell I probably have a better chance at winning the Big Game than seeing that happen.
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Republican “Morality”
GOP Watch | Semidi, 09:39 am | Comments (0)
It’s hardly surprising that the GOPsters have resorted to this unethical and hypocritical stacking of the deck:
House Republican leaders tightened their control over the ethics committee yesterday by ousting its independent-minded chairman, appointing a replacement who is close to them and adding two new members who donated to the legal defense fund of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.).
Republican officials have spent months taking steps to ensure DeLay’s political survival in case he is indicted by a Texas grand jury investigating political fundraising, and House leadership aides said they needed to have the ethics committee controlled by lawmakers they can trust.
And this is the party whose members claim to be morally superior to the rest of us
Posted by mardenhill 2/05/2005 10:05:00 AM