No Drudge?
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Ok, its been days since the Gannon story broke but no major media outlets are biting, whats wrong here? Could it be that the story is just a lie, nah its just too crazy to be fiction. If we go back in time, Matt Drudge was on every sex scandal known to man, btw this was the guy who broke the Monica Lewinski story but is afraid to touch this one. Drudge isn't one to back down from a scoop he posts stories whether they are true or not all the time but not this one. I think Drudge is missing out big time, is he hiding something, thats the only reason I can see that he isn't biting. Just think of the hits Drudge would have with a story of this magnitude. Instead he devotes most of the last 2 days to his pissing match with Chris Rock which no one cares about. Maybe there are pics of Drudge with mr Gannon that he is praying are not leaked, maybe Drudge found religion and decided to give up on the sex trade. Nah, he's a blogger and bloggers love torid sex tales, they love to post and tell the whole world. So we sit back and wait, wait for Drudge to come to his senses about this one, but if we are lucky, the majors will grab the story and scoop Drudge out of millions of hits. Drudge's repuataion on being the king of gossip will be over and the liberal blogs will have trumped him.
On another topic, hockey has been cancelled for the rest of the year, it pisses me off that they cannot look past dollar amounts and see the big picture. There are tons of people's who's lives depend on hockey, they are the concession stand workers, parking attendents, local businesses etc, they are the ones losing out here, not the players and owners. Hockey is already the redheaded stepchild of the sports world and this is just convincing more people to tune them out. I see a few markets losing teams in the next few years, that is a good thing but overall viewership will drop dramtically and I don't see a return like baseball has had. So long hockey, it has been nice knowing ya.
Posted by mardenhill 2/16/2005 10:35:00 PM
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