Monday, January 17, 2005
CBS News: Now with More Perky!
TIME reports that Katie Couric has been approached about using her pert behind to fill the CBS Evening News anchor seat, a move we can only applaud. It's about time that the national evening news more resembled the comforting, cheerful pabulum that makes our mornings so delightfully numb. We can kinda hear her now: "Social security. . . blah blah. . .Iraq killings . . . blah blah. . .This kitten got stuck in a tree! And Senator Bob Dole is 82 years young!" And who knows how she'll cover natural disasters: "And I actually called our newsdesk on Saturday and said: 'I know that we have this tsunami going on, and--and all these people, but is it true that they broke up?'"
Oh, wait. . . that already happened.
Goodbye, Dan. Hello, Katie? [TIME]
I cannot think of another way to kill a show and all its credibility than to hand it over to Katie Couric. I bet Bush has something to do with this, he didn't like Dan Rather and wants to get back at CBS so putting Katie in charge is one way of doing it. I really hope this doesn't happen, TV news will have officially reached an ultime low and force me to rely only on the internet.
Posted by mardenhill 1/17/2005 06:26:00 PM
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