Kind Of Blue
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Wow, I hadn't realized how long it has been since I have posted. Lets see, what has happened in the last week, well I watched Bush screw up yet another debate, went to Kalamazoo for Homecoming and decided to buy the new iMac. Kalamazoo was great, went to Bilbos and had pizza and cheezy sticks, and didn't have to eat the rest of the weekend. Found a new bar in Kzoo right down the street from Bells called Shakespears. This is a very cool place, they have about20 beers on tap which include Bells, Kraftbrau, Arcadia and other Michigan local brews. The bar serves food and mixed drinks so its a good all around place where u can get all your local faves w/o the limitations of the breweries next door. Plus there is shuffleboard, you can't beat that. I also went to the newly remodeled Wayside, well not newly since it has been like that for about 5 years but new for me. All I can say is this is probably the largest bar on the west side of state, there are about a million different levels with about a million tv screens. Would I go back, probably not but it was nice to be in a place not completely crawling in college kids. All of them were at the "New" place called Firehouse and the bulk of the Wayside were alumnis. The plus about the Wayside would be the tables, you are almost guarenteed to get one. I didn't make it to any of the old haunts but thats ok, next time.
And I almost forgot, there is now a roundabout in Kzoo, it is right when you pull into campus next to the new science bldg, the birdcage and business college. I have no idea how college kids can manage this but it looks pretty cool.
Posted by mardenhill 10/19/2004 08:39:00 AM
this is Ted Vadella, thanks for the nice words about Shakespeare's. With out you knowing its mine, it is. Anytime you are in town, a pint on me.