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Another Political Rant

Rove Also Avoided the Draft"Except for a lapse of several months, Selective Service records show presidential adviser Karl Rove escaped the draft for nearly three years at the height of the Vietnam War using student deferments," the Salt Lake Tribune reports.According to a friend, Rove's opposition to the Vietnam War "was political. He considered the conflict a 'political skirmish that was not being properly administered.'"

Lets see, Bush, Cheney and Rove all avoided the draft, and who are the 3 in charge right now sending troops to Iraq? I'm glad that we have such talented and experienced people making the tough decisions our country faces.

And to comment on the rippedsigngate, the republican that had his sign ripped up at a democratic rally has a history. He staged the same incident in 96, 2000 and now. The guy's son had a union shirt on and was the one who ripped up his sign just to get the press. You have all the conservative talk shows ranting and raving all day long about the injustice when it was an inside job.

Now John Kerry if u happen to stumble across my blog while surfing the internet, i just want to let u know you're a jackass and get your head out the sand. You nearly blew the election with that pathetic campaign in August. You can't hold hands, sit in a circle and sing campfire songs, Gore tried that in 2000 and we know what happened. Take the gloves off and hit Bush with everything you got. Fire everyone in your campaign who is responsible for the august screwups and promote James Carville to campaign manager. When you are elected, make James your chief of staff, he is the only one who can standup to the other republicans in office. Bush has Karl Rove and James is the only one who can outmanuver this thug. If you screw up again, i will personally come down to your campaign headquarters and kick your ass.

Ok i feel better now, Erika is tired of listening to me so now its your turn...

Posted by mardenhill 9/18/2004 07:11:00 PM  

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