Political Stunt
Thursday, September 25, 2008
For once the media got it right and called John McCain out on his latest political stunt on "suspending" his campaign to return to DC for the bailout legislation. Mind you, McCain does not sit on this committee nor has he voted since April but somehow we are to believe he really cares and can do something about the current crisis. Just like in the past, McCain has parachuted in at the 11th hour to claim he reached across the aisle and created some bi-partisan legislation. This time he doubled down and runs the risk of looking like an idiot also derailing the plan all together. He is stuck, either he backs Bush and pisses off the House Republicans who already hate him or he sticks with Boehner and the House and destroys the plan. This isn't country first, this is John McCain first and a last ditch effort to save his campaign which has been spirialing out of control. He is in a massive freefall and does not know what to do. His campaign is in a disarray and the hacks he has advising him are only bringing him down.
The Sarah Palin choice is imploding as well which is why she is so tightly controlled. Her latest interview with Katie Couric was a disaster where she couldn't name a piece of financial legislation McCain proposed and continued to push the line that living next to Russia makes you fluent in foreign policy. Hey I live next to Canada, I am only 35 minutes away, I am now qualified to be Vice President.
I do hope he shows up to the debate tomorrow night otherwise he looks like a wimp for ducking the affair. There is no time out and I expect my president to be able to multi task. Obviously McCain cannot do this therefore needs to be as far away from the White House as possible.
Posted by mardenhill 9/25/2008 10:08:00 PM
Labels: Politics