Richardson Endorses Obama
Saturday, March 22, 2008
This happened yesterday but it's important to examine why it has potential. For starters Richardson won't be used as a pawn to pick up possible votes in upcoming primaries since the states with the largest Hispanic vote have already voted. Clinton's advisor Mark Penn threw this out there yesterday and said it really meant nothing. So according to Penn and the Clintons if you can't help secure votes then you are not worth carrying around. Typical Clinton backstabbing, use and abuse then toss to the curb. Richardson is signaling to the superdelegates that they do not have to be held hostage to Billary and that they have their own voice. Yeah Richardson is fishing for a VP slot but so is everyone else. If not VP, there is always Secretary of State so I feel that Richardson sees the future and that is one without the Clintons.
Posted by mardenhill 3/22/2008 10:55:00 AM
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