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And The Winner Is.....

Its not 100% official but Blu Ray has won the format war. This past week Walmart made the decision to stop selling HD DVDs this June. The funny part of all this, Walmart was the one pushing HD DVD players for $100 at Xmas and ended up selling 100,000 of them. Now all those early adopters will be stuck with a useless player come summer. Gotta love Walmart, wonder if they will pull an Apple and provide a rebate for the players or just leave the folks high and dry.

Rumors are flying around the net that Toshiba, the biggest player on the HD side has decided to give it up and stop producing players.

At this time the Blu Ray players are still at the $300 price point, I wonder how long it will take for them to drop to an affordable price. I am willing to buy one at $200 and hope this happens in the next few months.

Betamax - Laser Disc - HD DVD R.I.P.

Posted by mardenhill 2/16/2008 10:55:00 AM  


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