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Randy For President

Well I threw my vote away this morning but I don't care. It was my personal protest against the Democratic party and the current Primary structure. Since that asshole Howard Dean pulled the delegates from MI because we moved our primary up, voting today was pretty much useless. You had the choice of Hillary Clinton, Dennis Kucinich (who isn't a choice in my book) or Uncommitted which was a vote to send delegates to the convention with no allegiance. Problem with Uncommitted is that its a vote against Hillary and a vote for Obama or Edwards. Even though neither are on the ballot, if Uncommitted gains more votes than Hillary she is then embarrassed. As much as I would like to see this, I am not doing the other 2 candidates a favor since they couldn't take the time to visit MI.

If they really care about Michigan's economic situation, they would tell Dean to piss off and that they are campaigning. But no, none of them did so I am running for president.

Posted by mardenhill 1/15/2008 09:29:00 AM  


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