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Portrait Of A Panderer

This would be none other than Sen. John McCain the world's biggest panderer who will do anything to become president. Now I used to respect the guy but the last few years has changed it all. McCain claimed he was a maverick, an outsider but he has proven himself a weasel willing to do anything for the ultimate prize. The Senate has a scheduled vote on the non binding Iraq escalation legislation for today and guess what, McCain is skipping it in favor of campaigning.

"It's nothing more than a partisan stunt and an evasion of our responsibilities," "...when all we're doing is debating a meaningless, a meaningless resolution."

Yep way to go McCain, ignore your responsibilities while others reshuffle their schedules. It just goes to show how shallow McCain really is and how he does not deserve to be president. Btw, he is off to South Carolina on Sunday to go play house with the American Taliban and preach abstinence to a bunch of teens. The best part will be watching McCain compete for the moral vote only to be shot down at the finish line.

Posted by mardenhill 2/17/2007 12:09:00 PM  


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