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The Face Of Hyprocrisy

Here you have the Republican Senate leadership of Mitch McConnell Trent Lott and John Kyle out whining about big bad Harry Reid. The 49 Republican senators have threatened to filibuster a bill written by one of their own John Warner over a non-binding resolution on the troop surge. For starters, its a non-binding and it was watered down to get the RINOs on board. What happened to the mavericks, where's Warner, Hagel and Collins who are supposed to be Republican willing to stand up? Just like I thought, cowards all of them. And they used to say the Dems were a bunch of wusses who couldn't make a coherent decision. These pathetic scumbags beat their chest in opposition to the president but back down just like good little lemmings when told to. Thats right, the Republican party are a bunch of followers who are afraid to stand up for what they believe in. They meekly speak out, get admonished and run for cover. Spineless, heartless cowards all of them....

And the kicker, the filibuster they hated so much before has become their best friend.

Posted by mardenhill 2/03/2007 05:32:00 PM  


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