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Remember Him?

If you don't remember this face, it is none other than Ari Fleischer the 1st Press Secretary for the Bush Administration. Ari exited stage left right as the Valerie Plame investigation broke and all of us wondered his involvement. Well good ole Ari testified today in the Libby trial and dropped a bomb.

"Ambassador Wilson was sent by his wife," Fleischer recalled Libby saying. "His wife works for the CIA."

Fleischer said Libby also used the woman's name, Valerie Plame' and told him it was "hush hush."

"My sense is that Mr. Libby was telling me this was kind of newsy," Fleischer said.

Ari was given immunity from the proscuter but that doesn't mean he can go up there and lie to the jury, he can still perjur himself. Ari screwed up at the beginning, he was used as a pawn to peddle information to the press and I bet plans were to make him the scapegoat. Instead Fitz caught Libby in a number of lies and nailed him. Would I like to see Rove also go down, hell yeah but that time will come. I am interested to see how the defense will treat Ari's testimony, they will no doubt try and discount it but I don't think that will work. Libby is screwed and I am very happy to see it happen.

Posted by mardenhill 1/29/2007 02:27:00 PM  


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