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Its Easy Being Green

I have no magazine subscriptions, I get whatever I need from work. I found this one the other day and was impressed. The magazine is called Plenty and is an enviro-rag about issues and eco-living. Its a bimonthly release and on their 13th publication.

Generation X'ers have taken the environmental movement and turned it mainstream. With our disposable income and values, environmental products have moved from hippy hemp pants to affordable and good looking products. You will find articles/reviews on home furnishings, clothing, autos, travel, food etc. I am not a die hard enviro-consumer, some of the products are not what I am looking for or in my price range but I do my best to live lightly. If you are at the bookstore, look for this mag and check it out, I think you will find it very interesting.

Another good resource for eco-living is a blog and website devoted to the movement.

Posted by mardenhill 12/22/2006 10:58:00 AM  


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