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Gwen Stefani Sucks, Thats All There Is To Say

Gewn Stefani performed her new song "Wind It Up" on SNL this past weekend and it was one of the worst performances I have ever witnessed. It rivals Ashley Simpson's lipsyncing which I never thought could be outdone. Gwen's song is a rip off of the stupid Sound of Music and if that wasn't bad enough there is some lame Japanese school girl imagery going on. The official name for that starts with an "H" but I can't remember it. Anyways, Gwen sounds like crap and she officially wasted 3:30 minutes of my life by subjecting me to her so-called artistic ability. I have attached the video, feel free to watch it and judge for yourself.

Posted by mardenhill 12/11/2006 09:42:00 AM  


  1. Anonymous said...
    The Sound of Music is definitely NOT stupid!
    Jeff Haywood said...
    It's awful Randy, and I hate admitting it because I've always been one of Gwen's greatest admirers.
    Jenna said...
    This woman has never been talented, how on earth is she still allowed to make records?

    That is the worst excuse for "music" I've ever seen in my life. I couldn't get through two minutes, I had to turn it off.

    I like how she throws in a plug for her clothing line in the lyrics, classy. And "let the beat wind you up?" What beat?! You're talking and someone is grunting in the background! How is that a beat?!

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