Lets Go Flying
Friday, November 24, 2006
Today was a beautiful day, not something we are used to in November. With that in mind, Erika's step dad has his private pilots licence and decided the two of us should go out flying. The plane we went up in was a Cessna 182 which is pretty cool. While up in the air Dave let me take control and pilot the plane around. It was a very weird feeling since there is nothing below you. Control wasn't that hard, you have 2 pedals and depending on what way you want to turn, you press the pedal and turn the steering wheel. Where it gets tricky is trying to keep from climbing or dropping and you are constantly looking at the altimeter while maneuvering around. There was no wind so I was able to make turns and steady the plane pretty easily. Had it been rough, I don't think I would have tried. We cruised at 3000 ft and just flew around looking at lakes, homes and landmarks around the area. Piloting the plane reminded me of sailing where you are constantly paying attention to instruments and trying to steady the boat. As for getting my private pilots license, I don't know if I really want it since you have to pay attention when flying and not look out the window all the time.
Posted by mardenhill 11/24/2006 08:19:00 PM
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