Benton Lane Pinot Noir
Friday, October 27, 2006

Last nite I opened a bottle of Benton Lane 2003 Pinot Noir. This wine comes from the Williamette Valley region within Oregon. Pinot Noir does best in the Oregon climate, it is very close to that of Burgundy, France where Pinots rule. Northern California has progressed with their Pinots and tend to be a bit cheaper than that of Oregon and France.
Getting back to Benton Lane, this wine has a great bouquet and has the classic Pinot color. Its not too dark and cloudy, just light enough to see thru when holding up to a light. Pinots have a great flavor, nice fruit with a hint of earth to balance it out. I have had a number of other Oregon Pinots which are more complex than this one but I still enjoy the Benton Lane. The flavor is very full and has a nice finish. For the price, this wine is great if you are looking for that Oregon fix.
Posted by mardenhill 10/27/2006 10:11:00 AM
Labels: Wine
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