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Tigers Stadium

Tiger Stadium: Demolished beginning this fall.

Playing field: Preserved as a park and ball field.

Preserved: A tiny portion of the stadium structure may be saved for a Corktown welcome center.

Built: Residential and retail development around the field.

Money: The city would pay for the demolition, estimated to cost $3 million to $6 million.

Developers: Unnamed private groups would find the $40 million to $70 million for the new projects.

Souvenirs: A salvage consultant will help determine how many seats and other artifacts can be sold to the public.
Bids: The city is to seek bids from demolition firms and developers.

In its place, Kilpatrick envisions a ring of retail shops and residential housing surrounding the historic playing field, which will be preserved as a nonprofit park and ball diamond.

Under the plan, the playing field would be used for Little League games, concerts and other community events. The dugouts and a few other parts of the stadium would be saved.

The plan envisions saving a small part of the stadium near the corner of Michigan and

Cochrane, which would be redesigned as a community welcome center displaying photographs and memorabilia of the Tigers.

I think this is a good idea and I hope it doesn't fall thru like every other plan for old buildings in Detroit. I would love to see a revitalization of the Corktown area. If you havn't noticed lately, MGM and Motorcity have started building their permanant hotels/casinos in the city. One is slated for completion next year and the other in 2008.

Posted by mardenhill 6/16/2006 12:20:00 PM  

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