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Draft Gore 2008
Grassroots Organizing Really Early

DG08 PAC is dedicated to draft Al Gore as the Democratic nominee for President in 2008 and to persuade the American people to elect Al Gore as the next President of the United States.

We will focus a grassroots, distributed campaign strategy on early primary and caucus states to send delegates committed to Gore to the 2008 Democratic convention.
The internet has taken to drafting Al Gore into the 08 election. No Hillary here, the progressives want a real candidate and that would be Al. Now if Al had the passion and the confidence he has now, we could have spared the last 6 years of hell. Maybe our country needed to be dragged down the wrong path, to wake them up to how distructive republicans are when in power. I would totally support an Al Gore run, he has the energy and real world experience to be president but I don't think he wants to. Al is doing what he loves and that is protecting the environment. If he succeeds in bringing global warming into the public square then his job is done.

Posted by mardenhill 6/01/2006 03:41:00 PM  


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