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Plame and Iran

Sometime next week we may learn Karl Rove's fate in the Plamegate saga. With this news now hitting the mainstream, I hope more people pay attention to this scandal. It would be great to see Rove charged with outing a CIA agent but I would settle for Perjury and Obstruction of Justice. I have been telling people this for years, Valerie was a NOC working on Iran's weapon's proliferation.

Reports: Plame Was Monitoring Iran Nukes When Outed
By E&P Staff Published:
May 02, 2006 10:55 AM ET

What was Valerie Plame working on at the CIA when she was outed by administraton officials and columnist Robert Novak? MSNBC's David Schuster on Monday said he had confirmed an earlier report that she was helping to keep track of Iran's nuclear activity--not a front and center issue for the White House. Earlier this year, Larisa Alexandrovna of the Web site, reported that Plame, whose covert status was compromised in the leak, was monitoring weapons proliferation in Iran. At the time, officials told her that Plame's outing resulted in "severe" damage to her team and "significantly hampered the CIA's ability to monitor nuclear proliferation." On last night's Hardball, MSNBC correspondent Shuster reported that intelligence sources told him thatr Wilson was part of an operation three years ago "tracking the proliferation of nuclear weapons material into Iran." And the sources asserted, he said, "that when here Wilson's cover was blown, the administration's ability to track Iran's nuclear ambitions was damaged as well."

Posted by mardenhill 5/02/2006 12:38:00 PM  


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