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Could This Be Rove's Fate?

Ok, its a doctored photo but a good one that may be coming true in the near future. It would make sense as to why Rove was demoted the other day. Well that had to do with his pathetic attempt at trying policy and also to get the heat off of Rumsfeld. Fitz may suprise us with an indictment, if so that will clip Rove's wings a bit during the 2006 election cycle. The only thing we will have to worry about is how dirty Rove and co will go to maintain control. The dems better be ready, they have been warned and better fight each and every swiftboat attack.

MSNBC’s Shuster: Signs Point To Rove Indictment

Last night, MSNBC’s David Shuster took a look at recent court filings by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and suggests that Karl Rove is likely to be indicted. Watch it:

Three key points made by Shuster:

1. The latest court documents, for the first time, name Rove as a subject of the investigation.

2. The court documents go out of their way to say that Rove will not be called as a witness in Scooter Libby’s trial, even though Rove is a key part of the narrative. Shuster notes that this is done when prosecutors want to “leave open the possibility of later charging that particular subject in a separate case.”

3. Rove is referred in court documents as “Official A.” Shuster says “in every single case we have found, Keith, that prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald when he designates somebody as Official A in an indictment, that person eventually does get indicted themselves.”

Posted by mardenhill 4/21/2006 02:41:00 PM  


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