Apple vs The Beatles
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Well it looks like Apple has settled with the Beatle's record company over trademark and wooed them onto iTunes. You would think that everyone who likes the Beatles already has their music but you would be suprised how many will download them thru iTunes. This has been the holy grail of the digital music world, whomever scores the Beatles catalog wins. At this point Napster and Rhapsody should just fold because iTunes has won the battle. I just hope Apple didn't give in on pricing to score the collection, all the labels want to start a tiered model with older songs cheaper and the latest hits a premium. Apple has held on strong with their .99c and $9.99 for the most part, I would hate to see them give it up just for this. Now I still think thats too much for downloads but if the record labels have their way it would be a lot more.
Beatles Songs on iTunes? [Updated]
Wednesday April 12, 2006 09:44 AM EST
Posted by arn
"We're remastering the whole Beatles catalog, just to make it sound brighter and better and getting proper booklets to go with each of the packages. I think it would be wrong to offer downloads of the old masters when I am making new masters. It would be better to wait and try to do them both simultaneously so that you then get the publicity of the new masters and the downloading, rather than just doing it ad hoc."
This was reportedly revealed in court by Neil Aspinall of Apple Corps record label during the Apple Corps vs. Apple Computer trademark dispute. No confirmation is available at this time.[Update] Macworld UK reports that Apple Corps has confirmed Aspinall's statements.
Posted by mardenhill 4/13/2006 09:04:00 AM