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Debbie, Debbie, Debbie

Debbie had the sign up yesterday in the senate to help push the point that Bush has short changed the nation when it comes to funding for national security. I think she should have made the sign in another color or picked a different jacket because they blend together and it looks like she is the one that is incompetent. Frank Lautenberg is notorious for props, I think Debbie should just leave it to him and stick to talking.

The blogs have hit her over this stunt and the republicans have taken footage for commericals. Looking at the numbers I think Debbie is safe but you never know.

In Michigan, Stabenow Keeps Double Digit Lead

In Michigan's U.S. Senate race, a new Strategic Vision (R) poll shows
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D) beating Mike Bouchard (R), 48% to 37%.

Against Keith Butler (R), Stabenow does even better, 51% to 28%.

In the GOP Senate primary, Bouchard leads Butler 34% to 23%.

In the gubernatorial race, Gov. Jennifer Granholm leads Dick DeVos (R), 50% to 33%.

Posted by mardenhill 3/15/2006 12:41:00 PM  

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