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Justic Sunday III

Santorum Rails Against Alito Opposition

"Justice Sunday III" was held in the state where Alito, generally supported by conservatives, sits on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, the No. 3 Senate Republican, told the gathering that liberal judges are "destroying traditional morality, creating a new moral code and prohibiting any dissent."

"The only way to restore this republic our founders envisioned is to elevate honorable jurists like Samuel Alito," Santorum said. "Unfortunately, the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee seem poised to drag these hearings into the gutter, so they can continue their far left judicial activism on the Supreme Court."


Didn't Santorum learn from Justice Sunday I and II that if u get involved your career takes a turn for the worse? Look at JS I, Sen Frist spoke and I think 2005 was not a year he would like to reflect back on. JS II featured Tom Delay, I don't need to say anything more about that one. So Santorum is up to bat for JS III, he is trailing his challenger in his senate race is this the way you want to come across to your constitutents? I tell ya, all the Dems need to do is throw up a commercial with good ole Pat Robertson's famous quotes and pics of republicans at the JS events and you have total anniliation of church and state.

Posted by mardenhill 1/09/2006 08:34:00 AM  


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