Dick Morris
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
A Different Kind of Scandal
Dick Morris looks at the polls and concludes the public's reaction to the Jack Abramoff scandal is unlike most other Washington scandals. "Because this scandal is both partisan and local it will have a searing political impact. Nor should the recipients of Abramoff’s dubious generosity dismiss their acceptance of his donations by saying it doesn’t matter because everybody took his money."
"Those who did get contributions from him are in for an Election Day surprise."
"Washington scandals come and go. But, about every decade or so, they metastasize into massive national affairs that embrace an entire political party... The 2006 elections look to be another of these decadal bloodlettings, victimizing, this time, the Republicans."
Our favorite Democrat turned Republican Dick Morris. 90% of the time what he says is bullshit, he even wrote a book stating that it will be Condi vs Hillary in 08 but this time he may be right. Check out www.mediamatters.org and you can find a large number of his quotes/predictions, it will keep you amused for hours. I have to agree with Dick on this one, the issue isn't going away and it has been proven that this is a Republican Scandal even though the radical right's talking heads say otherwise. More and more will go down, and there are reports of Abramoff in the WhiteHouse. This is perfect for the Dems and I am going to be pissed if they screw this one up.
Posted by mardenhill 1/18/2006 03:18:00 PM
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