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Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg Declares January 10, 2006 'BBDO Day' in the City of New York

Salutes Agency's Accomplishments as 'Agency of the Year;' Caps Record-Setting Performance in 2005

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has proclaimed Tuesday, January 10, 2006 as "BBDO Day" in New York City in honor of the agency's record-setting performance during 2005. The agency was named "U.S. Agency of the Year" by the trade publication Advertising Age, "Global Agency of the Year" by Adweek magazine, and "Advertising Network of the Year" by Campaign, the leading advertising industry journal in the UK.


This is the company I work for, our agency does all of Chrysler's advertising but the New York office has some pretty big accounts. A good portion of Superbowl ads come from NY, they have the Visa, Pepsi, Mitsubshi, Nike, Mini, M&Ms, Guiness and FedEx as clients. So take a minute to congratulate me on my day, its like having a 2nd birthday. I may not make the commercials but I help support the infrastructue of the agency and without me, this place would be back to pencils and paper.

Posted by mardenhill 1/10/2006 09:36:00 AM  


  1. Anonymous said...
    Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
    Anonymous said...
    Where did you find it? Interesting read » »
    Anonymous said...

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