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The Evolution of the Beer Tap

Courtesy of

As I recall from my heady college days, having a 1-to-1 keg to tap ratio was usually a bad idea. Someone would do a kegstand and then you’d get a dollop of partially-digested Doritos on the top of the keg, leading to the dreaded party foul. The Octopus Tap hopes to change all that. It consists of up to three taps—not quite octo, but tripus would sound weird—that can squirt out the brass monkey with reckless abandon.
It makes you think what was wrong in the 90s, we had venture capitalists spending millions on internet startups but it takes until 2005 for someone to come up with an easier way to distribute beer. Think of all the time you wasted in line, it could have been avoided and you could have been drunk an hour earlier....

Posted by mardenhill 12/21/2005 10:12:00 AM  


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