Walk The Line
Monday, November 21, 2005
Erika and I went and saw Walk The Line yesterday and it was very good, I highly recommend it. Both Reese and Joaquin deserve awards for their performances, they had to sing and play their own instruments throughout the movie. It was nice to watch the beginning of Johnny Cash's career and to see how much he has influenced american music.
You got to see Cash touring with Elvis, June Carter, Roy Orbison and Jerry Lee Lewis back at the start of it all. It followed Cash's addictions and how June saved him from his self destruction.
We went to a Sunday matinee and there were about 20 people in the theatre, I think everyone eles was at Harry Potter. I think we will see that one this week, I tell 2 movies in a week is a record for me seeing that we have gone to 3 movies total this whole year.
Posted by mardenhill 11/21/2005 09:06:00 AM
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