Supreme Court Nominee
Monday, October 03, 2005
Today was almost as fun as last week when Delay was indicted, the rightwing wackos were out in full force bashing Bush on his supreme court nominee. Going over the specs, Harriet Mires has no experience on the bench, was a conservative democrat until '89 (donated to Al Gore's primary campaign in '88) and has been Bush's personal council in the past. 30 minutes after the announcement, Sen minority leader Harry Reid came out and praised Mires as a great choice. The dems at that point fell in line and shut up the whole day while the unraveling of the republican party started. I surfed the conservative blogs and found some amazing quotes:
Reply 13 - Posted by: fantom, 10/3/2005 2:43:03 PM
The President stabbed us in the back. I know he will have a good time at all the Demo Cocktail Parties he is sure to be invited to now. He kicked us conservatives in the teeth and there is nothing for him to say to us to change it. What a bunch of crap our President fed us!
Reply 10 - Posted by: citizen1, 10/3/2005 2:33:37 PM
"Loyalty and friendship to Bush is not a qualification for the highest court in the land; it it were, we'd nominate his dog." Bush will get around to nominating his dog. But first comes Miers, and then Gonzalez.
Reply 24 - Posted by: Bill, 10/3/2005 3:03:32 PM
Tammy Bruce speak for me ---- Tammy Bruce, a Democrat and a pro-choice feminist who once headed NOW's Los Angeles chapter, said the nomination to the Supreme Court of Harriet Miers proves "President Bush is turning into Jimmy Carter.”
Pat Buchanan is pissed off not sure if that was a smart move.
In a decision deeply disheartening to those who invested such hopes in him, Bush may have tossed away his and our last chance to roll back the social revolution imposed upon us by our judicial dictatorship since the days of Earl Warren. This is not to disparage Harriet Miers. From all accounts, she is a gracious lady who has spent decades in the law and served ably as Bush’s lawyer in Texas and, for a year, as White House counsel.
But her qualifications for the Supreme Court are non-existent. She is not a brilliant jurist, indeed, has never been a judge. She is not a scholar of the law. Researchers are hard-pressed to dig up an opinion. She has not had a brilliant career in politics, the academy, the corporate world or public forum. Were she not a friend of Bush, and female, she would never have even been considered.
What commended her to the White House, in the phrase of the hour, is that she “has no paper trail.” So far as one can see, this is Harriet Miers’ principal qualification for the U.S. Supreme Court
If you are looking for a good time and a few laughs, go scan the conservative blogs and enjoy the infighting and the beginning of the republican split. Our favorite judge Roy Moore from Alabama has announced his run for Governer and this will help foster the split. My theory is that the republican party will split and the dems will stay strong and we will have a 3 party system. The dems will win in 2008 but then will suffer the same fate as the republicans and split the party in two. At that point we will have 3 partys but I see the conservative dems and the moderate republicans merging for 3 parties, very similar to most western countries.
Posted by mardenhill 10/03/2005 07:37:00 PM
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