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Indictment Update: Rumors Say Today!!!!!


How Karl Rove Could Walk

I'm beginning to think it possible that Karl Rove either is not going to be charged in the Valerie Plame Leak investigation, or if he is charged, it will be with a false statement rather than perjury offense. If it's the second scenario, Rove could make a plea deal with Fitzgerald under which he agrees to plead guilty if Fitzgerald agrees to request a sentencing reduction to probation, because of his cooperation against others.

Here's the reasoning:

1. Fitzgerald may decide to give Rove a complete pass if he has cooperated to significant extent, turning on Libby and others in Cheney's office, the White House Iraq Group and perhaps the State or Defense Departments. Under this scenario, Fitzgerald simply would not submit a proposed charge for Rove to the grand jury so there would be no vote on him at all.


As much as I would love to see Rove, Libby and Cheney all go down I don't think it will happen, we will get 2 out of 3 and if 1 of them is Cheney, well I can give up Rove for that one. If Rove walks, my hope is that he's damaged goods and loses all power and credibility in Washington. Part of me would find that more amusing than Rove behind bars. I think him with no power vs him in jail with the aura that he is still the kingpin would be a better punishment.

I think its a given that Libby will go down, Cheney is still a maybe and I think there is a Mr. X that we do not know or have given much credence to. It may be a lower staffer or even someone outside the whitehouse.

Posted by mardenhill 10/26/2005 09:15:00 AM  

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