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More RNC LIES!!!!!!

For starters, Ken Mehlman, the Republican National Committee chairman is a big giant jack ass. The guy makes Ed Gillespie look good, its that bad. Ken was on Meet the Press and as usual gave the republican talking points the whole time, would not deviate and put up the biggest bullshit front ever seen. Ken continued to spin it that Friday's evidence exonerated Rove and that everyone owes him an apology. He said it so many times that it lends creedence to the theory that the story is fake and was planted to take the heat off of Rove. All day friday the talking heads went round and round with the document and continued their assult on Joe Wilson. Here is an exerpt from this morning's meet the press, pretty interesting if you as me. Just wait Fitzpatrick, you are next for the republican smear machine.

Ken Mehlman: Would not Pledge not to attack Fitzgerald if he indicts any White House official

Mehlman appeared on MTP today and started off using the "chewbacca defense ": ...on the basis of information which actually vindicates and exonerates him, not implicates him." Then Mehlman said this:
Video -WMP
Video -QT
Russert: You say you have tremendous confidence in Pat Fitzgerald.

Mehlman: I do.
Russert: If in fact he indicts White House officials, will you accept that indictment and not fight it?

Mehlman: Uh, first of all, I'm the chairman of the Republican National Committee. I'm not an attorney for anybody. Uh, the fact is, uh, I look forward to his getting to the bottom of this. I can't speak for.

Russert: But, but if he indicts White House officials, will you pledge today because you have tremendous confidence in him that you will not criticize his decision?

Mehlman: Uh, again, I'm not going to speculate. I have tremendous confidence in him. I look to him to get to the bottom of this. Whatever he does, I can assure you people are going to follow and are going to look to abide by, but --

Podesta: Say yes

Mehlman: I think it would be inappropriate for me as the RNC chairman to say what legal strategy people may take in the future.

Russert: But if you have tremendous confidence in him, then you will accept and respect his decision?

Mehlman: I look forward to hearing what he has to say and I intend to respect what he has to say, but again I'm not going to speculate on what he might do.
Think Progress has more: White House Facing Credibility Deficit

Posted by mardenhill 7/17/2005 03:50:00 PM  


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