Star Wars
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Last nite we went and saw star wars 3 revenge of the sith and I am glad that I didnt go opening weekend. The movie was ok but the cheeze factor was thru the roof. Some of the acting and lines were so bad a highschool play would have been better. It was fun to see it on the bigscreen but I would not have made it thru the movie with the freaks, it was too much. Yoda's fight scenes were too much, he's a little puppet flying around swinging his lightsaber. Oh well, its over with and we know the whole story now so I guess that is good. Ewen McGregger and Natalie Portman are set for life, I can imagine the royality checks coming from these movies will keep them living large. I do want to see it surpass titanic as the higest grossing movie, it still has a couple hundred million to go but I think it can do it.
Randy Sutton
Technical Services Administrator BBDO Detroit
Posted by mardenhill 6/04/2005 11:54:00 AM
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