More over Delay, You got company.....
Thursday, March 24, 2005
I have tried to not post on this subject, we are already bombarded by the coverage every minute of the day but when it comes to the hyprocriscy of our politicans, I can't resist. I am usually attacking Delay, the former Pest Exterminator, yeah that was his previous career before becoming the house of representatives resident pastor. I have now turned my attention to our beloved senate majority leader "Dr Bill Frist" he perfers Dr instead of senator since that was his previous profession. So you have Dr. Frist diagnosing Terri by watching 4 minutes of video tape, now thats accurate, where do I sign up to have this quack diagnose me. You got to understand, Frist is gunning for the 08 republican nomination and now needs to "shore up the base" so what does he do, panders to the religious right. Instead of putting his profession to use, he uses his lip service to buy some votes. Do you see Howard Dean out there diagnosing people to get the spotlight? No, he is smart enough to know people will see thru this bullshit but not our Frist. So Dr/Senator Frist gets called out below for his hyprocriscy and will continue as long as he runs with the Delay and co trash that has infected our congress. I have no qualms attacking Frist, he has proven that he is no longer a respectable senator and just another sleazy politican.
courtesy of
Frist's Schiavo Assertion At Odds With His Comments About Christopher Reeve
Frist's assertion that Schiavo could recover stands in stark contrast to his attacks on John Edwards for saying back in October that stem cell research could help people like Christopher Reeve walk again. Observe:
Frist on Schiavo Possibly Recovering: Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist several times questioned Schiavo's diagnosis, saying he had reviewed a videotape of her and her case file and wasn't sure whether she really was beyond recovery.
"Remember, Terri is alive. She is not in a coma," Frist said Sunday. "Although there are a range of opinions, neurologists who have examined her insist today that she is not in a persistent vegetative state. She breathes on her own - like you and me. She is not on a respirator. She is not on life support of any type. She does not have a terminal condition." [The Tennessean, 3/22/05]
Frist Attacking Edwards: Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist attacked Sen. John Edwards for saying that stem cell research would enable people like Christopher Reeve to “get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.”
Frist responded on a conference call with reporters arranged by the Bush-Cheney campaign: "I find it opportunistic to use the death of someone like Christopher Reeve -- I think it is shameful -- in order to mislead the American people… We should be offering people hope, but neither physicians, scientists, public servants or trial lawyers like John Edwards should be offering hype.
“It is cruel to people who have disabilities and chronic diseases, and, on top of that, it's dishonest. It's giving false hope to people, and I can tell you as a physician who's treated scores of thousands of patients that you don't give them false hope." [, 10/12/04]
So what does this tell us, Frist is just a scumbag, Reeve was able to vote before he died, he had no intentions of voting republican so that was open game for Frist to attack him. Now with Terri, she cannot vote, cannot speak and Frist sees this as an opportunity to get all moral on us and bless us with the "culture of life" bullshit lines. Frist you are on my radar, just ask Delay its not a place you want to be. We will bring the both of you down and return the republican party back to the party we don't agree with rather than the party that we we hate.
Posted by mardenhill 3/24/2005 09:44:00 PM