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Its the Pathetic vs. the Deplorable


Ok my last post talked about the funniest article but this one takes the cake. You have The Killers dissing the Bravery for riding their coat tails. You have this 2nd, hell maybe 3rd tier band The Killers trying to compare themselves to Franz Ferdinand and The Strokes. Come on, The Killers are just a bunch of flotsam and jetsam that floated to the surface in this mixed up world of music. They have no originality and are riding the retro wave. How can they stand there and criticize The Bravery while doing the same thing, where do the Killers get off thinking they are a legit band? What, they played Saturday Nite Live, Ashley Simpson played and I don't think people see her as legit anymore. Their songs are thin, weak and lack any substance. They are just summer fodder meant to be played while driving around in a convertible and forgotten the next year. The Killers will put out one more cd, it will be trash and they will be forgotten. The Bravery, same thing but at least they are stuck in the UK and hopefully we won't have to hear much about them.

If you happen to like The Killers, well too bad, they suck rocks and u can post all you want trying to sell them.

My new fav is Nic Armstrong & The Thieves, I wrote about them the other day but I think everyone needs to check them out so I will continue to push him until everyone is sick of it.

Posted by mardenhill 3/29/2005 02:26:00 PM  

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