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Our Favorite Pennsylvania Senator....

Rick Santorum held an event yesterday talking about Social Security, the deficit and minimum wage. During the deficit part, Rick referred to the war as one time costs, I guess the 80 billion here and 80 billion there for a total of about 300 billion just counts as a one time cost. Hmm must be all that "fuzzy math" at play. So you have one side of the room chanting Rick's gotta go and the other side chanting Social Security's gotta go, thats classic, just what the president wants, people telling the truth about his plan.

Courtesy of

Santorum's SS eventby kos Tue Feb 22nd, 2005 at 16:49:50 PST

Chris Bowers has a funny take on Santorum's social security event today. These two paragraphs are particularly hilarious:

[B]efore the event, Philly DFA began chanting "Hey-hey, ho-ho, Rick Santorum has got to go!" Local college Republicans, who are just about the only Republicans in West Philly, responded with a chant that beautifully was captured live by CNN: "hey-hey, ho-ho, Social Security has got to go!" I love it when the other side does your campaigning for you!

Inside the hall, the biggest applause line of the event was generated early on when Santorum asked a rhetorical question about demographics and funding: "what happens in 2008?" Before he could answer his own question, someone shouted "Bush leaves office," and the room went wild.

Gotta love those College Republicans -- too young and stupid to use proper code words, letting their true intentions hang out in the open.

Posted by mardenhill 2/23/2005 09:55:00 AM  


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