Music Review
Sunday, September 12, 2004
The Bees - Free The Bees
NME has been hyping the Bees for a while now and they deserve it. Think back to the Nuggets era and pure Beatlesque sound. Well thats The Bees and this cd was even recorded at Abbey Road. The sound is lots of jangling guitar with the hammond kickin in the background. Now if this band was from Detroit they would be as famous as the Von Bondies. This is a total summer sing along cd, lots of garage pop and crazy organs. I read one review of them and they were compared to the Beta Band which is fair to say, not as diverse as they are but full of that british sound. No there are no Jarvis Cocker style lyrics or amazing oasis guitar solos, just lots of keys and infectious groove. Another one only on import so let me know. "Wash the Rain" and "No Atmosphere" are great songs, but "I Love You" is a poor attempt at a garage ballad. There is a reason no garage bands play ballads because they suck. There is a lot of Sgt. Pepper throughout the cd, probably because of where it was recorded. Overall, the cd is great, I will admit its one that doesn't make it thru a complete play but the songs that I do hear are worth the time.
Posted by mardenhill 9/12/2004 08:57:00 PM
1 Comment:
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